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В доступі архівні матеріали з 2011 року.

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Academy's history

Academy's history

In the comfortable place of the historical part of Kyiv on the Pechersk hills behind the green trees is situated the higher educational establishment which is called the Pavel Chubynsky Academy of Arts.

The Dnieper landscapes, golden churches’ domes, historical monuments, which are located side-by-side, create the unique spiritual equanimity, the extremely favourable aura for the creative inspiration, deep thoughts that give the feeling of belonging to something majestic, eternal, beautiful.

The Academy is one of the oldest educational institutions of Ukraine which trains specialists for culture and art institutions was founded in 1930 as Kyiv technical school that prepared culture and leisure-time organizers according to the resolution of People's Commissars of the USSR "About the reorganization of the net and the system of pedagogical education" that was proclaimed in August 11, 1930.
In 1934 the institution was renamed as the Library technical school in accordance with the order the USSR People's Commissar of Education, № 3331 - 2 in June 11, 1934 which trained for specialties as librarian and organizational work instructor .

In 1941 the learning process was interrupted by the temporary occupation of fascist invaders. But in December 1943 after the capital liberation due to the order the educational establishment has resumed its activity as Kyiv political educational school. In April 11, 1944 due to the order of the Committee for cultural and educational institutions under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR the educational establishment was renamed as Kyiv technical school that trained cultural and educational specialists.

According to the resolution of the Ministry Board of Culture of the USSR since 14.03.1961 the academy has got the official name "Kiev regional cultural educational vocational training school". In 1990 it was renamed as Kyiv regional vocational training school of culture ( the order the Ministry of Culture of the USSR № 342 from 11.02.1990) and in 2002 the school was named as Kyiv regional vocational training school of culture and arts (the order of Kyiv Regional State Administration on February 13, 2002 № 83) and in 2011 the school was named "Municipal higher educational establishment of Kyiv Regional Council "Pavel Chubynsky Academy of Arts" (judgement of Kyiv Regional Council from 11.10.2011 № 200-10-IV).

The Academy’s statute meets the requirements to the applicable legislation and had been approved by Kyiv Regional Council from 11.10.2011 № 200-10-IV.

The history of educational establishment is not simply the change of the name but further movement for improvement in training specialists for cultural institutions in the region and other parts of Ukraine it is the period of introduction new specialities and specializations, improving educational plans and curricula, introducing up-to-date learning technologies, replenishment material and technical base, involvement of experienced teachers, expanding students contingent.

Since its foundation the Academy has trained almost 15,000 qualified professionals. Most of them continued training in their chosen specialty in institutes, academies and universities. More than 30 graduates were awarded honorary degrees in the field of art and culture, more than 50 former students work as teachers in art educational institutions.

Among famous academy graduates are:

  • The Honored artists:

A. Lytvynenko (the soloist of the National Ukrainian Folk Choir named after Veryovka), S.Semenovskyi (the artistic director of national amateur band "Kolos" of the National Agricultural University), V.Teterya (the soloist of the folk ensemble "Kozatski zabavy"), A.Kyrpan (the former soloist of the National Opera Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the State brass band), V. Boyko (the soloist Symphony Orchestra of the National Opera and conductor of the State Brass Band).

  • The Honored workers of Ukraine:

V. Hontaruk (chief specialist of the Office Administration of Culture and Tourism of Kyiv Regional State Administration), V. Dryhaylo (the director of scientific and technical library of the National Technical University "KPI"), G. Sydorenko (the soloist of the national amateur ensemble of song and dance "Chornobryvets" of Myronivsky District House of Culture), A. Hordiyenko (the General Director of the National Library of Ukraine for Children), Yevhen and Yurij Burchak (heads of the folk song ensemble "Barvy Ukrainy"of Boryspil district department of Culture), L.Kovalchuk (the director of the Kyiv Public Library named after L. Ukrayinka, vice president of the Ukrainian Library Association); M.Babych (the soloist of the national amateur ensemble "Kozatskyj kurin" of Tarashchanskyj district House of culture), L.Pimenova (the assistant professor of choreography of the National University of Culture and Arts), V. Kornijchuk (the editor of the "Ukrainian musical newspaper "), A. Kachan (the artistic director of the national choreographic group “Prolisok” Baryshevskij district House of culture), L.Patsunova (the producer of the National Palace" Ukraine "), N. Zholudenko (the former director of Kyiv regional centre of folk art), O. Shkyra (the library’s director of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after G. Skovoroda).

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